Emily Besser

Wake with Joy 40 x 30 cm Acrylic paint on paper

Wake with Joy
40 x 30 cm
Acrylic paint on paper

In Full Sun 40 x 30 cm Oil pastel and acrylic on paper

In Full Sun
40 x 30 cm
Oil pastel and acrylic on paper


Besser’s work is predominately abstract
and process-based.

She approaches each work with no expectation of a particular outcome. 

Falling Grid 40 x 30 cm Charcoal on paper

Falling Grid
40 x 30 cm
Charcoal on paper

Ferns 40 x 30 cm Watercolour and ink on paper

40 x 30 cm
Watercolour and ink on paper

The Fruit 40 x 30 Watercolour on paper

The Fruit
40 x 30
Watercolour on paper

Slow Play 40 x 30 cm Coloured pencil on paper

Slow Play
40 x 30 cm
Coloured pencil on paper


“My work emerges from a cycle of drawing, painting and collage, an endless process of creation and destruction. The work feeds itself and is always moving on in some way.

In other works, the beginning is first a feeling, or the sight of something interesting. It could be the way light has hit a feature of a building, a peculiar shadow, or the way an urban wall has been painted with two different kinds of green paint.

There is no essential meaning in these things, but they move me nonetheless and my work helps me say, I’m here in this moment.”

– Emily Besser

Tears 40 x 30 cm Acrylic paint on paper

40 x 30 cm
Acrylic paint on paper

Memory of Plants 40 x 30 cm  Ink, gouache and pen on paper

Memory of Plants
40 x 30 cm
Ink, gouache and pen on paper

Black Balloons 40 x 30 cm  Ink and watercolour on paper

Black Balloons
40 x 30 cm
Ink and watercolour on paper


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